Pursuant to the European Regulation n° 679 dated 2016 (“ Privacy Regulation”), Tecnosystemi S.p.A. Società Benefit would like to notify you and all users and/or visitors of the website (respectively the “ Users” and the “ Website”), with regard to the use of personal data collected through the website.

1. Data controller and processor

The personal Data Controller is Tecnosystemi S.p.A. Società Benefit (Tax Code and VAT Number 02535780247) with registered office in 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV), Via dell’Industria 2/4, e-mail (hereinafter “ Controller”).
The updated list of designated Data processors may be provided upon request by the involved parties and/or Users to the Controller’s address.

2. Information collected automatically by the Website

Like all websites, our websites too uses log files, in which there is stored the information collected in an automated fashion when you browse the website. As a matter of fact, the computer systems and software procedures used to operate the website automatically acquire some information during use, whose submission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

The information below is collected:

  • Internet Protocol (IP) address or domain name of the device you use;
  • browser type and parameters of the device used to connect to the website;
  • the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources or the method used to submit the request to the server;
  • name of the internet service provider (ISP);
  • date and time of browsing;
  • referral and exit web page of the User;
  • number of clicks, if any;
  • size of the files obtained in response;
  • the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.);
  • other parameters relating to the operating system and IT environment of your device.
  • This information is processed in an automated manner and exclusively collected in an aggregated manner so as to verify whether the website is operating properly.

3. The personal data submitted by you through the Website: processing purposes

We need your data to allow you to:

  • access to the website and relevant browsing;
  • access services offered therein (for example contacts, newsletters, etc.) as requested by you.

Your data is processed for the following purposes:
(i) compliance with legal obligations;
(ii) technical management of the website;
(iii) receive the newsletter, whose privacy policy is available in the following link newsletter;
(iv) using the “Contacts” service, which enables to contact the Controller, as specified in the privacy policy available at the following link;
(v) using the “Support” and “Return” services, which enables to contact the Controller so as to obtain support with regard to products marketed by the latter and return the products in question if need be in compliance with the General Conditions published on the website
(vi) using the “Work with us” service, to send your application, as specified in the privacy policy available at the following link The data submitted by you will be mainly processed with IT tools under the supervision of the Data controller, by the persons specifically appointed, designated, and trained pursuant to articles 29 of the Privacy Regulation and 2 quaterdecies of the Privacy Code. We inform you that suitable security measures are complied with also pursuant to articles. 5 and 32 of the Privacy Regulation to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorised access.

4. Nature of the provision of data and legal basis of the processing

With reference to the purposes laid down in article 3, points (iii) to (vi), reference shall be made to the information expressly disclosed in the specific notice referred to in this privacy policy. For the purposes under points (i) and (ii) of article 3 above, the submission of your personal data is required given that failure to do so will hinder you from using the services offered by the Website. As a result, for the purposes under point (i) the legal basis of the processing is the fulfilment of legal obligations, pursuant to article 6 section 1, letter. c) of the Privacy Regulation, while for the purposes referred to in point (ii) and the legal basis of the processing is the performance of the services provided through the website and requested by you, pursuant to article 6, section 1 , lit. b) of the Privacy Regulation. Greater details with regard to the above are contained in the specific notices shown or displayed in the website and provided for the relevant services upon request.

5. To whom and in what context can we disclose your data

Your data may be disclosed, within the EU, to facilities, to individuals and to external companies (including consultants and service providers) utilised by the Data controller to manage the website and for performing related activities which are instrumental to or stemming from the performance of the services offered by the website. Greater details with regard to the above are contained in the specific notices shown or displayed in the website and provided for the relevant services upon request.

6. Your rights

You may exercise the rights pursuant to article 15 et seq. of the Privacy Regulation at any time, for access, correction, transformation, blocking, deletion, limitation of processing, through the methods and as laid down in article 12 of the Privacy Regulation. The full model for exercising the rights is provided in the link [●] with the instructions for filling out and sending to the Data controller. In the event of failure to obtain prompt feedback or inappropriate response by the writing company, or in the event of grounds for breach of the Privacy Code and/or Privacy Regulation, you may file an appeal before the Italian Data Protection Authority, to the following coordinates: -, Email:, Telephone switchboard: (+39) 06.69677.1.

7. Duration of Processing

Without prejudice to law obligations, the personal data will be stored for a determined period of time, depending on criteria based on nature of services provided. In particular, the browsing data will be stored for a maximum of 7 days. Greater details with regard to the other processing purposes outlined above and regulated by specific notices, reference shall be made to what is expressly indicated therein.

8. Security measures

Through the website, your data is processed in compliance with applicable law and using adequate security measures in compliance with the legislation in force also pursuant to articles. 5 and 32 of the Privacy Regulation. In this regard, we confirm, among other things, the implementation of appropriate security measures aimed at preventing unauthorised access, theft, disclosure, modification or unauthorised destruction of your data.

9. Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Controller reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. In this case, you will be promptly notified, when you browse the website again.