
On 28 June 2021, we formally became a Benefit Company through a notary deed, amending our articles of association and even legally declaring our corporate vocation forming the basis of our business and pursuit of the Common Good. In our business purpose, we have declared the integration of institutional activities that strive for the common benefit, seeking to have a positive impact on the community and the biosphere. These objectives are rooted in the values that led to the birth and evolution of our Company, among which justice, equality, ethics, courage, listening and responsibility, and which will continue to evolve in line with the principles dictated by the UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

We defend our social mission, together

An important amendment to our articles of association.

For us, 28 June 2021 marks an important turning point insofar as the day we identified and shared our value system, aware of our responsibility for the impact our business will have on the environment and the Community. We became a Benefit Company, and publishing our pledges is just one part of a greater project for the creation of medium- and long-term value. To ensure the transparency and responsible nature of our operations, and in order to measure our contribution to the common benefit each year, we are required to publish an Impact Report enclosed with our Financial Statements. Our first Impact Report sought to define our starting point in order to improve the impact we have on our local territory and the community in which we operate.



Measuring to improve.

Our motto is: do, measure, and improve. Each year, we identify and plan the sustainability goals we wish to achieve in order to deliver and secure environmental innovation, social innovation, and at the same time, financial innovation. To do so, we used the B-Impact Assessment, the world’s most widely used standard for measuring economic, social and environmental impacts, and we used it to self-assess our impacts by filling out a questionnaire.

... we have been a Benefit Company since 2021


The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development


We have four sustainable goals 


Climate action

Business development with a steadfast commitment, in partnership with stakeholders, to fight climate change to reduce emissions that cause global warming.


Producing responsibly

Development of innovative processes and products, based on a circular economy model, promoting the adoption of conscious and sustainable practices in the supply chain.


Take action for territory

Social and cultural development of the territory through the support of charitable organisations and the promotion of initiatives and projects that contribute to the well-being of the community.


Take action for people

Development of a safe and inclusive working environment, offering training opportunities, developing talent and stimulating active participation.


Our charter of commitments

The charter of commitments is another crucial milestone in our Benefit Company’s journey: it is a statement of responsibility for the creation of long-term sustainable value for all our stakeholders. Our pledges are real and serve as a guidepost for the initiatives we advocate each year.

Our pledges have always been many and practical. They range from our strong sensitivity to renewable energy issues to our commitment to exhaustive product diversity, from a circular economy based on recycling to employee health and social inclusion projects.


Impact Report 2022: from awareness comes change

Our second Impact Report is based on an important value: awareness. Awareness of who we are and who we want to be, of our objectives and above all, our purpose. In making this realisation, we adamantly sought to revise our governance documentation in order to better express and communicate our change process.

Compared to the 2021 report, we revised our common benefit objectives, redefining the pillars on which our commitment is built and introducing performance indicators that will allow us to consistently measure ourselves against our goals.